The Role of Technology in Lone Worker Protection: A Look at Active Track
Lone working has become a common practice in almost every industry in today’s dynamic world. Lone workers are those personnel who operate at a distant place where direct supervision or immediate assistance may not be available. It raises the risk to their safety, compelling organizations to enforce special measures to protect lone workers.
This is where opting for an apt Lone Worker Protection System can assist you. It is a comprehensive arrangement that enables you to safeguard your lone workers against any kind of mishappening. It hardly matters whether they work in remote locations, industrial structures, or even within urban surroundings, such systems offer support mechanisms and foster immediate response in case of emergencies.
Significance of Lone Worker Protection System
Opting for a Lone Worker Protection System ensures the safety and well-being of your lone workers. However, its effectiveness is not confined to the protection of fellow employees. It helps you reduce liability and insurance costs. Investing in an apt Lone Worker Protection System empowers businesses to avoid costly legal battles or compensation claims as it monitors the safety of employees. Moreover, it builds confidence and morale among your employees which results in improved productivity.
Introducing Active Track- The Ultimate Solution to Lone Worker Protection
Active Track is a magnificent handheld tool designed by our experts to facilitate two-way voice communications, GPS tracking, lone worker protection, and proof of presence reporting. This device also records all events and alarms that can be monitored in real-time via a cloud-based web portal called Active View. Let’s go through some more features of our Active Track device-
Call Me Button
Active Track incorporates a quad-band GSM/GPRS voice-enabled modem. It automatically connects to the strongest available signal, allowing you to make & receive calls on the device. The dedicated Call Me button allows lone workers to make a call to a designated number or request a callback as & when needed.
Panic Button
What if the lone worker needs immediate assistance? Making a call or waiting for the team to make a callback is a time-consuming process. This is where they can use the Panic Button. Once this button is pressed, it automatically sends a message to the designated device, requesting assistance. Moreover, it can also provide the accurate location of the employee using GPS technology.
Man Down Alarm
The situation worsens when the lone worker falls unconscious or collapses. In such a scenario, the employee doesn’t get enough time to press the buttons. To tackle this situation, Active Track boasts a Man Down alarm. The device uses the accelerometer to scrutinise any impulsive deviation from the pre-programmed parameters. The moment the device falls and remains in that position, it alerts the designated team by initiating an SOS message along with the last known GPS location.
Last Verdict
Active Track is a top-notch safety gadget that helps businesses safeguard their lone workers. It empowers the administrator to have a close eye on remote workers even from a distant location. This device is specially designed to handle emergency scenarios when the worker gets out of their senses and alerts the management with an SOS message.
Have queries related to security issues in your enterprise? We at Guard Patrol Products offer the finest security products that help you safeguard your business building and belongings. We have been serving this industry for 20 years now.
Contact us today to grab some high-tech security & safety devices for your organisation.